Book Club
December 26, 2023
- This month, we discuss the amazing book, Death’s Acre: Inside the Legendary Forensic Lab the Body Farm Where the Dead Do Tell Tales by Dr. Bill Bass with Forensic Anthropologist, Dr. Daniel Wescott. The Gross Room Podcast with Nicole (@Mrs_Angemi) and Maria (@MariaQKane) is a weekly podcast focusing on Pathology, Forensics, and Death. Each week,[...]
- This month, we discuss the amazing book, The League of Lady Poisoners: Illustrated True Stories of Dangerous Women by Lisa Perrin. The Gross Room Podcast with Nicole (@Mrs_Angemi) and Maria (@MariaQKane) is a weekly podcast focusing on Pathology, Forensics, and Death. Each week, Nicole will discuss a High Profile or Celebrity Death Dissection and[...]
- This month, we dissect my book, Nicole Angemi's Anatomy Book! The Gross Room Podcast with Nicole (@Mrs_Angemi) and Maria (@MariaQKane) is a weekly podcast focusing on Pathology, Forensics, and Death. Each week, Nicole will discuss a High Profile or Celebrity Death Dissection and follow up with a separate bonus episode discussing Pathology in the[...]
- This month, we discuss the amazing book, Confessions of a Funeral Director: How the Business of Death Saved My Life by Caleb Wilde. The Gross Room Podcast with Nicole (@Mrs_Angemi) and Maria (@MariaQKane) is a weekly podcast focusing on Pathology, Forensics, and Death. Each week, Nicole will discuss a High Profile or Celebrity Death Dissection[...]
- This month, we discuss the amazing book, In Two Minds: Stories of Murder, Justice and Recovery from a Forensic Scientist with author Dr. Sohom Das. The Gross Room Podcast with Nicole (@Mrs_Angemi) and Maria (@MariaQKane) is a weekly podcast focusing on Pathology, Forensics, and Death. Each week, Nicole will discuss a High Profile or[...]
- This month, we discuss the amazing book, Dissection: Photographs of a Rite of Passage in American Medicine 1880-1930 with author James M. Edmonson. The Gross Room Podcast with Nicole (@Mrs_Angemi) and Maria (@MariaQKane) is a weekly podcast focusing on Pathology, Forensics, and Death. Each week, Nicole will discuss a High Profile or Celebrity Death Dissection[...]
- This month, we discuss the amazing book, Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal, by Mary Roach (@mary_roach)! The Gross Room Podcast with Nicole (@Mrs_Angemi) and Maria (@MariaQKane) is a weekly podcast focusing on Pathology, Forensics, and Death. Each week, Nicole will discuss a High Profile or Celebrity Death Dissection and follow up with a[...]
- Today, I am joined by Sam Kean (@sam_kean) to discuss his book, The Icepick Surgeon: Murder, Fraud, Sabotage, Piracy, and Other Dastardly Deeds Perpetrated in the Name of Science. The Gross Room Podcast with Nicole (@Mrs_Angemi) and Maria (@MariaQKane) is a weekly podcast focusing on Pathology, Forensics, and Death. Each week, Nicole will discuss a[...]
- Today, I am joined by Dr. Lindsey Fitzharris (IG: @drlindseyfitzharris) to discuss her book, The Facemaker. Make sure to order Lindsey's new book: Plague-Busters!: Medicine's Battles with History's Deadliest Diseases The Gross Room Podcast with Nicole (@Mrs_Angemi) and Maria (@MariaQKane) is a weekly podcast focusing on Pathology, Forensics, and Death. Each week, Nicole will discuss a[...]
- This week, Maria and I are doing a brief discussion about The Facemaker by Dr. Lindsey Fitzharris (@drlindseyfitzharris). This episode will be followed up by an interview with Lindsey in a few weeks. Welcome to The Gross Room Book Club! Each month we will read a book that relates to pathology, death, forensics, medicine, etc. At[...]
- This month we read Momento Mori by Dr. Paul Koudounaris (@hexenkult). Tune in to hear Nicole's interview with the author. Welcome to The Gross Room Book Club! Each month we will read a book that relates to pathology, death, forensics, medicine, etc. At the end of the month, Maria and I (and special guests along[...]