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The Dura Mater


Public Health

Malaria in the USA

Risks with beauty supplements

Aspartame causes cancer

Forensic Injuries and Deaths

Woman dies from firework

Rollercoaster stuck upside down for hours

Rollercoaster shut down for giant crack

Woman’s leg amputated at airport

Trucker who killed 5 was watching TikTok

Mom dies after stepping on fire anthill

Medical News, Advancements, and Studies

Lasik pain 

Madonna was in ICU

Experimental weight loss drug

35yo childless women are at the highest risk for binge drinking

Human ashes thrown at Pink during concert

The Gross Room Podcast with Nicole (@Mrs_Angemi) and Maria (@MariaQKane) is a weekly podcast focusing on Pathology, Forensics, and Death. Each week, Nicole will discuss a High Profile or Celebrity Death Dissection and follow up with a separate bonus episode discussing Pathology in the News with her daughter Maria, interviews with special guests, or discussions surrounding major cases.  Enjoy!

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