Please follow these steps to cancel your account:
- Log in to your account
- Double-click on the ACCOUNT link or visit here:
- Go to the subscriptions tab
- You may cancel your account at any time but must do so at least 10 days prior to your renewal date or your payment may still go through.
- When you cancel, you are able to view the Gross Room until the end of your subscription period.
- You are responsible for canceling your own account before the next billing cycle. No refunds will be issued.
- If you subscribe during a sale, you will be billed at the end of your billing cycle for the full price cost of the annual subscription at $48USD/year until you cancel your account.
- An expired or canceled credit card that still gets processed through the decision of your bank does not qualify as a cancelation. Please contact your bank if this is applicable to you.
- Sending a DM or Email DOES NOT cancel your account. You are responsible for confirming your cancelation with a team member if you are having difficulty canceling on your own.
- You MUST cancel and confirm your cancelation through or PayPal. Canceling through Google, your bank, etc does not guarantee that your account is canceled.
Example of a successful cancelation: